6Bee Class Outing
Here is a grp photo taken
at Suntec.
Although Lenneth is not
in the picture...
This class outing was fun!!
We had a dinner of free flow
ice cream and drinks and
also set meals at Suntec.
But onli 7 ppl came.
I am sure it will be more
fun if more ppl came.
So pls come to our next
calss outing.
I have some suggestions.
We can go Escape for the
June Class Outing and
go Sentosa for the yr end
class outing.
The theme park in Sentosa
will the ready next yr
so I am sure it will be veri fun.
More pictures of the class outing
will be posted on facebook soon.
So pls log in to facebook
to see the pictures.
We even saw Jackie Chan. XD
Hope to see more enthu 6Bians
next year.
Now wishing everyone an
early Merry Christmas!
Mushroom Ong.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Year End Class Outing
Sentosa(I noe we went to Sentosa
during the June Holidays liao but
we onli went to one pathetic beach
there so I tot this time we can
go explore more places! :D)
If anyone disagrees with Sentosa,
I got one more venue- East Coast Park
If U dun like both, den give suggestions
or just zip up ur mouth! LOL
18/11/09 or 19/11/09pls choose the date tat u
are free and I will go with
the majority.
To Shu Yu: are u free on this
2 dates?
We can meet at 10amat Pioneer MRT.I noe it is kinda early but
if u wan to spend more time there,
u have to wake up early! lol.
Things to bring:
Extra clothes.(especially girls coz have to be careful
of James Zhang Jun Jie. Dun forget wad
he did to me last time. U may
be his second target. So remeber must
bring extra clothes. Dun think
U will be safe when James is around.)
$$ I think nid at least $30 to $50.Bring more just in case cos things
there are expensive!
Mat!remember how we squeezed into
one pathetic mat tat Lu yao and Sim Geok
brought? So remeber to bring.
Swim Suit.If u are swimming.
Sun Block/ umbrellaor wadeva crap lotions to protect
ur skin or wadeva cap.
Bring wadeva u think isneccessary.-------------------------------
I think tat is about all.
Pls contact me for more info.
And pls help to pass the msg around.
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees,Cya! Mushroom.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Year End Class OutingI seriously dunno where to go
and when everyone is free!!
And we onli have 2 suggestions
for the venue!
Ppl, tats seriously pathetic.
Chalet orBowling.If chalet, pls state which chalet.
And pls check which one is cheaper too.
Since no one sate when they
are not free, I shall fix the
date on about
10, 11, 12, 13?Is tat ok?
Pls tag or msg me!!!
I nid a reply soon!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Lantern Festival!Today's lantern festival celebration
was a success!!
(I am writting this to makethose who did not come today regretnot coming back to XNPS :p)Even though not all the
6Bians came today but
I am sure tat everyone
had great fun today!
Btw, anyone got to takea look of our beloved classrom which has become6D's classroom?It changed quite alot.Even the teacher's tableis put at a different place.D;LOL
I hope tat everyone couldcome back for lanternfestival celebrations next year.:DI am sure it will be fun!(but if not fun, pls dun blame me.I am so innocent...)And everyone so longnvr heard Mr Gau's speech,kinda miss tat rite?hehe...Miss Yeo is still as per normal.
Mr Chang is still as per normal.
Mr Low is still as per normal.
Ms Li, gave birth to a girl!!
And she is normal too...
I think next time we should
be careful with wad we post
on this class blog
some teachers tend to read
our blogs.
So must
act guai.We are always
guai! XD
Jia Yous for the EOY!!
Good Luck!! :D
pls wish me too on the
tagboard :p
Mushroom Ong's review of a celebration.Dun worry, be happy, smiles always!:D Mushroom's motto!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
6Bians Hail!!
Tat was random... -.-
Lantern FestivalEveryone must be so excited
over the celebration rite?
same here! XD
here are the details so far:
Time: 6 pm start(but as u noe, we dun have to be so punctual. so we can like come at 6.30 or 7? anything lar)Date: 25/9/09(Friday)Some of u can find a specific time
to meet each other before
entering the school. :D
Who wan to meet me?
Pls contact me @
94493187We can go have dinner
after or before tat! XD
Everyone pls come!!
Some of u cant come back
on teacher's day especially
those Nan Hua and Commonwealth
ppl. So this is seriously
a veri good chance to have a good
look at ur beloved teachers!
Cya there! :DMushroom Ong. Sarah Ong.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Here to liven up the blog!!
I guess all those
who went back to Xingnan
on Monday had enjoy their day!!
After such a long time,
we finally saw our beloved teachers!!
Li Lao Shi is pregnant!!
Here is wishing all teachers
a veri....
Happy Belated Teachers' Day!!=DD
Here is a good luck
to all 6Bians in their
coming EOY examinations!!
JY!!And here is a reminder:
Teachers expect us to
go back to visit them
Lantern Festival!!remember to be back!!
Cya!!Mushroom Ong.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
IMPORTANT As you guys know, on Mon, teachers will be leaving at 1pm =((((
Even Rulang is closing at 1.30pm(I think, from what I heard from my friend)
Which means most of us can't visit!! =(((((((((
But then if you guys are able to make it, then go on Mon =)
But those who can't make it....well....maybe we can go another day? Maybe Wed? (Actually me and Sarah not free on wed, but anyways...)
So yah, thats all I have to say. Oh and b4 I forget.....
Lets sing a bdae song!
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Daryl! Happy Birthday to yooouuuuuu!!!lol XDXD Well miss you guys! Hope to see you guys soon =D
Saturday, August 29, 2009